News and Information

New Picture Upload Area
<P>We are testing a new program and site area designed to further help our ladies and all that love them.  It is a <A href="" target=_blank>picture upload area</A>.  This let's our ladies upload personal pictures and share them online as well as on their other social programs like Twitter and Facebook.  Also our ladies can upload without worrying that a picture will be deleted or removed by some of the larger sites for violation of nudity policies, because as you know, we love nudity!</P>
<P>This area is up and running for your use. In addition to uploading pictures, fans as well as all visitors can rate and comment about the pictures. We are also attempting to set it so each lady can have her own individual gallery instead of the current group gallery.  Once we do this we will link it to their profile pages.</P>
<P>As we said, we are right now testing this, so please help us and <A href="" target=_blank>try it</A>. Let us know how it works for you, good or bad.</P>
Posted on 11 Aug 2011 by beegee


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