How to Make a Sexy Video
There are many reasons you may want to make a sexy video. You may want to make a sexually provocative music or dance video. You may also want to make a sexy video for a long distance romantic partner. The two of you may also want to make a video together. Filming yourself or your partner in sexual situations can be a fun activity. However, make sure you take precautions when it comes to distributing the video. You do not want to get in trouble down the road if a suggestive video of you surfaces.
- Making Decisions about the Video
- Choose great lighting. To start, you want to make sure you get flattering lighting. Videos with sexual content often have dim bar-like lighting, which can be a nice touch. However, when setting your lights, make sure you do some practice takes to make sure your lighting choice is flattering for your body type.
- Some cameras work better with certain types of lights. Dim lighting may not show up particularly well on an web cam. However, slightly higher quality cameras may work better if lighting is dimmed.
- Take a few practice shoots. If you're making a video for your own use, chances are you're not using fancy stage lights. Just try experimenting with how many lights in your home are turned on or off. If you have a light that dims, try experimenting with dim-lighting. If you've never made a sexy video before, you may be a little shy. Dim or dark lighting may make you feel more comfortable
- If you're filming with another person, take a few practice shots of the two of you together. Keep in mind certain lighting can create shadows, and you may end up casting shadows on one another's bodies. Make sure this effect is not distracting before filming your video
- Decide on your wardrobe. Now you can decide on your wardrobe. Choose a sexy, flattering outfit for your video.
- If you're planning on doing a strip tease in the video, select an outfit with layers. It can be fun and seductive to slowly peel off one layer of clothing at a time
- If you're doing a dance in the video, you want to pick clothing that's fun and revealing but that also allows you to move. For women, skin-tight leggings and a low-cut tank-top may work. For men, try a loose pair of jeans and a tight t-shirt. Many women find blue to be an attractive color on men
- Keep in mind your comfort is most important. If you don't feel sexy or confident in an outfit, ditch it. If you're not feeling good about yourself, this can easily show up on camera.
- Consider music. Music can be a nice touch in a sexy video, especially if you'll be stripping or dancing. Try to take some time to consider if you'll have music playing during the video.
- If you're doing a dance or striptease video, consider a song that is fast-paced that you can move to. Something like "S&M" by Rihanna or "Crazy" by Aerosmith could work well
- If you're doing a video with your partner, consider a slow, seductive song instead.
- Many people make sexy videos to promote their own music. If you're making a video for your own song, make sure you record a good version of that song before making the video. You want to make sure the song has a high quality sound, so people viewing the video will remember your song.
- Talk to your partner, if he or she will also be in the video. Many people make videos with themselves and romantic partners for personal use. If this is the case, you and your partner should have a frank talk ahead of time about what acts you'll be performing. You want to make sure both you and your partner are comfortable with what's being filmed
- Talk ahead of time and mutually agree on what acts will be performed in the video. Never push your partner into performing an act he or she is not comfortable with.
- Discuss nudity. Will both of you be nude on camera or are you okay with partial nudity? As with sex acts, if your partner is not comfortable with getting naked, you should not force him or her to do so.
- You should also talk about how to store the video. In the digital age, pictures and videos are becoming less and less private. If you and your partner want the video for personal use only, make sure you talk ahead of time about how to store the video. You may not want to keep the video on a computer, for example, if that's a possibility. If you're storing the video on a computer, take measures to make sure everything is secure and password protected.
- Think about your audience. Who are you making the video for? Many people make sexy videos for long distance partners, in which case your audience is your significant other. However, you may be making video to upload online or send to multiple recipients. If this is the case, make sure everything you do in the video is something you're comfortable with a larger audience seeing. You should also consider the future. If you're uploading something online, it will be available to an audience for years to come. Make sure anything you're distributing to a wide audience is something you're comfortable with people seeing in the future.
- Choose great lighting. To start, you want to make sure you get flattering lighting. Videos with sexual content often have dim bar-like lighting, which can be a nice touch. However, when setting your lights, make sure you do some practice takes to make sure your lighting choice is flattering for your body type.
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